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Menu Code: ASL Accounting/Finance - Accounts Receivable |
A searchable list of AR Transactions generated from AR workflows. These transactions feed into the General Ledger via the Posting Assistant.
The following transaction types are used in AR workflows:
Type | Form | Line Types |
ARALL - Cash Allocation | Cash Allocation Entry Cash Allocation Correction |
CASH - Cash allocated CASHADJ - Cash adjustement to the SB_WRITEOFF account INVC - Amount allocated to the invoice INVCDISC - Invoice discount to the AR_DISC account INVCADJ - Invoice writeoff to the SB_WRITEOFF account GLFX - Foreign Exchange gain or loss to the FXGAIN/FXLOSS account |
ARINV - Sales Invoice | Sales Invoices | LINE - Invoice amount, not including tax, generally to a revenue or sales account TAX - Tax amount, to the account set per Ship To State or the SALES_TAX account BAL - Balance amount to the AR account |
ARCM - Credit Memo | Sales Invoices | Same as ARINV |
CASH - AR Cash Entry | Cash Entries | CASHREC - Allocation placeholder entry that is used to maintain the allocation balance for cash received to AR accounts. These transactions are not posted from this sub-ledger - see Cash Sub-Ledger. |
Tip: If the JrnlID field is blank then the transaction has NOT yet been posted to the General Ledger.
Column | Zoom Link |
CustCode | Customers (CUS), for the specified customer |
Acct | Chart of Accounts (COA), for the specified account |
PartNo | Item Master (ITM), for the specified item |
OrdNo | Sales Orders (ORD), for the specified order number |
ProjCode | Projects (PRJ), for the selected project |
SINo | Sales Invoices (SIV), for the specified invoice number |
CAID | Cash Entries (CSH), for the specified cash id number |
ALID | Browse Allocations (BAD), focus of lines for specified allocation id |
JrnlID | Browser Ledger (LED), focus of ledger lines for specified journal |
Index | Visible | Field Name | Caption | Usage / Description |
0 | No | ARID | ID | Accounts Receivable Sub-Ledger Identification Number (Systemic) |
1 | No | CompCode | Comp | Company Code |
2 | Yes | CustCode | Cust | Customer Code (AAANNN) |
3 | Yes | CustName | Cust Name | Customer Name |
4 | Yes | TrxType | Trx Type | Transaction Type |
5 | Yes | TrxDate | Trx Date | Transaction Date |
6 | Yes | DocDate | Doc Date | Document Date |
7 | Yes | OrdNo | Order | Sales Order Number |
8 | No | OrdLineID | OLn | Sales Order Line Identification Number (Systemic) |
9 | Yes | SINo | Invc | Sales Invoice Number |
10 | No | SIDetID | ILn | Sales Invoice Line Identification Number (Systemic) |
11 | No | TrxAmt | Trx Amt | Transaction Amount |
12 | No | CurCode | Cur | Currency Code |
13 | No | ExchRate | Exch | Foreign Currency Exchange Rate [Edit via Currencies in Accounting\Finance Support Menu] |
14 | Yes | USDAmt | USD Amt | Amount USD |
15 | Yes | Acct | Acct | Account Number |
16 | No | AcctType | AType | Account Type: (A) Assets, (L) Liabilities, (Q) Equity, (R*) Revenue, (E*) Expense, (-) System |
17 | No | AcctDes | Acct Des | Account Description [Edit via Chart of Accounts] |
18 | Yes | ProjCode | Proj | Project Code |
19 | No | ProjName | Proj Name | Project Name |
20 | Yes | CC | CC | Cost Center |
21 | No | CCDesc | CC Desc | Cost Center Description |
22 | Yes | JrnlID | Jrnl | Journal Identification Number (Systemic) |
23 | No | JrnlStat | JStat | Journal Status: (D) Draft, (P) Posted, (C) Cancelled |
24 | No | JrnlType | JType | Journal Type |
25 | Yes | PostPeriod | PostPeriod | Journal Posting Period as YYYYMMDD |
26 | No | OrigID | Orig | Original Identification Number (Other side of the Void ID) |
27 | Yes | VoidID | Void | Voided Identification Number (Other side of the OrigID) |
28 | Yes | CAID | Cash | Cash Entry Identification Number (Systemic) |
29 | No | CDID | CDID | Cash Detail Identification Number (Deposit ID) |
30 | Yes | IsBal | Bal | Balance Entry Checkbox (Green Check = True) Visual Indicator for the Balance Entry Side of the Transaction. |
31 | Yes | AllocAmt | Alloc Amt | Allocated Amount |
32 | Yes | ALID | Alloc | Cash Allocation Identification Number (Systemic) |
33 | No | ADID | ADID | Allocation Detail Identification Number (Systemic) |
34 | No | IsAge | IsAge | Aging Checkbox (Green Check = True) |
35 | Yes | LineType | Ln Type | AR Sub-Ledger Line Type (Set by transaction processor) |
36 | Yes | PartNo | Item No | Item Number |
37 | Yes | ItemDes | Item Description | Item Description |
38 | Yes | SIDate | Invc Date | Sales Invoice Date |
39 | Yes | OrdDate | Ord Date | Order Date |
40 | No | ApprDate | Appr Date | Sales Invoice Approval Date |
41 | No | ReviseDate | Revised | Sales Invoice Revision Date |
42 | Yes | CustPO | Cust PO | Customer Purchase Order Number |
43 | Yes | ZipCode | ZipCode | |
44 | Yes | TaxAmt1 | State Tax | |
45 | Yes | TaxAmt2 | County Tax | |
46 | Yes | TaxAmt3 | City Tax |
The following default roles can use this form:
Role | Allowed Actions |
rl_Accounting | View |
rl_ARManager | View |
rl_AREntry | View |
rl_FinRead | View |
rl_ARRead | View |