FOURA™ Reference Documentation
In This Topic
    Chart of Accounts
    In This Topic
    Menu Code: COA
    Accounting/Finance - General Ledger

    The Chart of Accounts is a list of all natural accounts that are used to categorize transactions in the General Ledger.

    The accounts are typically listed in the following order:

    Order Description
    1000-1999 Assets
    2000-2999 Liabilities and Equity
    3000-3999 Revenues
    4000-4999 Cost of Sales
    5000-5999 Indirect/overhead
    6000-6999 General and Administrative Expenses
    7000-7999 Non-Operating Revenues and Expenses
    8000-8999 Other expenses and gains
    9000-9999 Federal and State income taxes
    Tip: FOURA comes out of the box with a standard, flexible natural chart of accounts – you choose which accounts you need, de-activate accounts you don’t need, or easily add new accounts.

    Account Tab

    The Account tab includes all of the settings for each account.

    Field Editable Description / Notes


    The account number, must be unique.  Can only be changed if the account has not been used.


    Can this account be used for any new documents/transactions?  (Green Check = Yes)


    Account description
    Account Type


    The type of account.  Controls the section where the account appears in Financial Reporting (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, etc.)
    Bal Sheet Line


    The Balance Sheet reporting line in Financial Reporting.
    P&L Line


    The Profit and Loss reporting line in Financial Reporting.
    P&L Detail Line


    A more detailed Profit and Loss sub-line in Financial Reporting.
    Account Group


    Used to limit which accounts can be used for workflows and in Financial Reporting.  Zoom button opens Account Groups form for the selected group.


    When set, requires that all posted entries to this account are in the specified currency.  Zoom button open Currencies form for the select currency.
    Consol Acct


    Free text - can be used for alternative reporting rollups.
    Efficiency Type


    Indicates whether account is used for fixed or variable activity.
    Acc Dep Acct


    Default accumulated depreciation account assigned to new assets using this account.  Should be assigned for accounts using Account Group "Asset".
    Dep Exp Acct


    Default depreciation expense account for assets using this account.
    Dep Life (Mo)


    Default depreciation life in months for assets using this account.


    Free text notes


    Date, Time and Login of the user who created this account


    Date, Time and Login of the user who most recently edited this account

    Posting Requirements

    The following settings control the posting requirements for the account:

    Name Description
    Cost Center Require cost center
    Sub-Ledger Only This account can only be used by automatically generated journals (Not allowed on General Journals)
    Customer Require customer code
    Supplier Require supplier code
    Employee Require employee code
    Quantity Require quantity

    Valid for Modules

    The following settings control which FOURA modules/workflows can use the account:

    Name Description
    Purchasing Account can be used on Purchase Orders
    Acct Payable Account can be used on AP Invoices
    Acct Receivable Account can be used on Sales Orders and AR Sales Invoices
    Expense Reports Account can be used on Expense Reports

    Cost Centers Tab

    The cost centers tab is a list of cost centers that can be used with the account.  If the Cost Center posting requirement is checked, then you must enable at least one cost center. 

    Index Visible Field Name Caption Usage / Description
    0 Yes AcctCCID ID Account Cost Center IDentification Number (Systemic)
    1 No Acct Acct Account
    2 No AcctDes Acct Desc Account Description
    3 No AcctActive Acct Act Account Active Checkbox (Green Check = True)
    4 Yes CC CC Cost Center
    5 Yes CCDesc CC Desc Cost Center Description
    6 Yes CCActive CC Act Cost Center Active Checkbox (Green Check = True)


    The following default roles can use this form:

    Role Allowed Actions
    rl_Accounting View and Edit
    rl_FinRead View
    rl_User View
    See Also