FOURA™ Reference Documentation
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    In This Topic
    Menu Code: CUR
    Accounting/Finance - General Ledger

    Currencies represent the money used by different Countries.  FOURA allows most transactions to be recorded using a foreign currency and it converts the amount to US Dollars using the current exchange rate.  Each currency record includes all the information needed to properly format amounts in that currency, including the symbol, positive and negative format, decimal symbol and grouping symbol.

    Many of the browse forms in FOURA include columns for both the foreign currency amount and the US Dollar amount.  You can use the Column Chooser to view a list of available columns for each form, along with usage notes.

    Tip:  You can enter an amount in US Dollars at the top of the form in the Sample # field.  This amount will then be displayed in each currency in the Sample column.  This is a great way to test your currency setup and exchange rates!

    Exchange Rates

    Exchange rates are used when converting foreign currency amounts to US Dollars.  To manually update an exchange rate enter the To USD multiplier.  This value should be entered such that this formula is valid:

    Foreign Amount  X  To USD  =  USD Amount

    Note:  FOURA supports automated daily exchange rate updates from Open Exchange Rates  (  Please contact Fourasoft for more information!


    Index Visible Field Name Caption Usage / Description
    0 Yes Code Code Currency Code
    1 Yes Description Description Currency Description
    2 Yes ExchRateToUSD To USD Exchange Rate to USD
    3 Yes ExchRateFromUSD From USD Foreign Currency Exchange Rate from USD [Edit via Currencies in Accounting\Finance Support Menu]
    4 Yes CurrencySymbol Cur Sym Currency Symbol
    5 Yes PositiveFormat Positive Currency Positive Format Signage
    6 Yes NegativeFormat Negative Negative Currency Format Signage
    7 Yes DecimalSymbol Dec Sym Decimal Symbol
    8 Yes GroupSymbol Grp Sym Group Symbol
    9 Yes SampleFormatted Sample Sample (Using Controls Above)
    10 Yes LastRateUpdate Last Rate Update Last Rate Update
    11 Yes Active Active Active Checkbox (Green Check = True)
    12 No AddDate AddDate Add Date
    13 No AddWho AddWho Record Added by Who (FOURA User ID)
    14 Yes EditDate EditDate Edit Date
    15 No EditWho EditWho Who Edited the Record (FOURA User ID)


    The following default roles can use this form:

    Role Allowed Actions
    rl_FinRead View
    rl_Accounting View and Edit
    See Also

    Form Types