FOURA™ Reference Documentation
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    Hot Keys
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    Hot keys are single keys or key combinations that can be pressed to quickly perform common actions.  Some keys are always available and some only work in certain situations.  FOURA supports the following Hot Keys:

    Key Name Description
    F1 Help Displays context sensitive help for the currently active form
    F2 Add Alert Display the Add Alert form.
    F3 Add Lead Display the Add Sales Lead form
    F4 Filter Blank For entry forms, clears the form so that no records are displayed.  Any pending changes will be saved first.
    F7 Query Requery the current form.  This is the same as clicking the Query button in the Quick Filter, or clicking Refresh on the Records menu.
    F9 Requery PV Requery all possible value (drop down) lists for the currently active form.  This can be handy if you have a form open at the same time that the list is being changed by another user or by you in another window.  Pressing the Requery PV key will update the lists on the current form without having to close and re-open it.
    F11 Main Menu Displays the FOURA Navigator.
    Esc Escape Undo changes for editable forms - you can press Esc multiple times to undo more.  The first press will undo changes to the current field that is being edited.  If you press Esc again then FOURA will undo changes to all other fields on the current record (similar to the Revert action).  For popup dialog forms, the Esc key will cancel and close the dialog.
    Delete Delete Deletes the currently selected rows.
    Ctrl-C Copy Copies the currently selected text to the Windows clipboard
    Ctrl-F Find Displays the Grid Find dialog.
    Ctrl-V Paste Pastes the contents of the Windows clipboard into currently active edit control.
    Ctrl-Down Save and Add If the current control is a grid, then save the current row and immediately move to the Add Row or display the Add Form.  This can be a big time-saver when manually entering lines on documents.
    See Also