Menu Code: DOC System - Maintenance |
A searchable list of attachments.
Action | Description |
View Attachment | Downloads the attachment to your workstation and opens it in appliction associated with the file extension. (I.E. .docx will open in Word, .xlsx will open in Excel, .pdf will open in your PDF viewer). You will only be able to open attachments where you have view rights. |
Edit Metadata | (Not Implemented) |
Delete | After confirming, Deletes the selected attachment. Limited to Document Managers only (rl_DocManager). |
Column | Zoom Link |
SourceID | Zooms to the corresponding source document as follows: ARINV - Sales Invoices (SIV) APINV - AP Invoice Entry (API) COMP - Companies (CMP) SUPP - Supplier Entry (SUP) CUST - Customers (CUS) GLJ - Journal Viewer (JVW) ADDR - Addresses (ADD) BOM - Bill of Materials (BOM) CAR - Carriers (CAR, using Doc No) CASH - Cash Entries (CSH) CYCLE - Cycle Counts (CYC) EMP - Employees (EMP) LEAD - Sales Leads (LEA) PBOOK - Price Books (PBK) PN - Item Master (ITM) PO - Purchase Orders (POS) QUOTE - Quotes (QUO) PROM - Promotions (PRO) REC - Receipts (REC) SO - Sales Orders (ORD) |
Index | Visible | Field Name | Caption | Usage / Description |
0 | Yes | DocID | ID | Document Library Identification Number (Systemic) |
1 | Yes | Source | Source | Document Source Type |
2 | Yes | SourceID | Doc ID | Document Identification Number (Systemic) |
3 | Yes | SourceDoc | Doc No | Document Number |
4 | Yes | FileName | Name | File Description |
5 | Yes | FileSize | Size | File Size |
6 | Yes | FileType | Type | File Type Description |
7 | No | FileCreated | Created | Created Date |
8 | No | ContentType | ContentType | Content Type Code [Edit via System\Setup\Content Types Menu] |
9 | Yes | ContentTypeDes | Content | Content Type Description |
10 | Yes | DocTitle | Title | Document Title |
11 | Yes | AddDate | Add Date | Add Date |
12 | No | AddWho | Add Who | Record Added by Who (FOURA User ID) |
13 | No | IsSystem | IsSystem | FOURA Default, Required by System (Green Check = True) |
The following default roles can use this form:
Role | Allowed Actions |
rl_DocManager | View |
rl_User | View |