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Menu Code: HIS Inventory - Inventory |
A searchable list of inventory transactions.
Column | Zoom Link |
TrxID | Inventory Transaction Viewer (TXV), for the specified transaction |
PartNo | Item Master (ITM), for the specified item |
OrdNo | Sales Orders (ORD), for the specified sales order |
JrnlID | Journal Viewer (JVW), for the specified journal |
PickNo | Pick Tickets (PCK), for the specified pick ticket |
DocNo |
Zooms based on the transaction document type (DocType): RECEIPT - Receipt Entry (REC) |
ItemDes |
Opens the note popup form.
Note: If any notes exist then the icon will show a yellow notepad
Index | Visible | Field Name | Caption | Usage / Description |
0 | No | TrxDetID | ID | Transaction Detail Identification Number (Systemic) |
1 | Yes | TrxID | Trx | Transaction Identification Number (Systemic) |
2 | No | CompCode | Comp | Company Code |
3 | No | Whse | Whse | Warehouse Code [Edit via Inventory/Control/Warehouses] |
4 | Yes | TrxType | Trx Type | Transaction Type |
5 | Yes | AdjType | Adj Type | Adjustment Type |
6 | Yes | TrxDate | Trx Date | Transaction Date |
7 | Yes | DocDate | Doc Date | Document Date |
8 | Yes | DocType | Doc Type | Document Type [Edit via Possible Values List = DocNotType] |
9 | Yes | DocNo | Doc | Document Number |
10 | Yes | DocLine | Ln | Document Line Identification Number (Systemic) |
11 | Yes | OrdNo | Order | Purchase Order Number |
12 | No | OrdLine | Ord Ln | Purchase Order Line Number |
13 | No | PickID | PickID | Pick Identification Number (Systemic) |
14 | Yes | PickNo | Pick No | Pick Ticket Number |
15 | Yes | PartNo | Item No | Item Number |
16 | Yes | ItemDes | Description | Item Description |
17 | Yes | Qty | Qty | Quantity Transacted |
18 | Yes | UoM | UoM | Unit of Measurement [Edit UOM in Item Master Packs Tab] |
19 | No | UnitCost | Unit Cost | Unit Cost |
20 | Yes | Cost | Line Cost | Cost of Line Item |
21 | No | CostBasis | Basis | Cost Basis: (AVG) Average, (REC) Receiving and (STD) Standard |
22 | Yes | FromLoc | From Loc | From Location |
23 | Yes | ToLoc | To Loc | To Location (Locations are defined in Inventory\Control\Locations Menu) |
24 | Yes | NetQty | Net Qty | Net Quantity |
25 | Yes | QtyOH | Qty OH | On Hand Quantity (per Warehouse) |
26 | Yes | CostOH | Cost OH | Cost of Goods On Hand by Item and Warehouse |
27 | Yes | NewAvgCost | New Avg | New Average Cost |
28 | No | WhseNetQty | Whse Net Qty | Warehouse Net Quantity |
29 | No | WhseNetCost | Whse Net Cost | Net cost to the warehouse |
30 | No | WhseQtyOH | Whse Qty | Warehouse Quantity On Hand |
31 | No | WhseCostOH | Whse Cost | Warehouse Cost On Hand |
32 | No | AuthWho | Auth Who | Authorized By (FOURA User ID) |
33 | No | AddDate | Add Date | Add Date |
34 | No | AddWho | Add Who | Record Added by Who (FOURA User ID) |
35 | Yes | JrnlID | Jrnl | Journal Identification Number (Systemic) |
36 | No | Period | Period | Financial Posting Period (YYYYMM) |
The following default roles can use this form:
Role | Allowed Actions |
rl_User | View |