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Menu Code: BRL Receiving - Receipts |
A searchable list of receipt lines.
Column | Zoom Link |
ReceiptID | Receipts (REC), for the specified receipt id |
Acct | Chart of Accounts (COA), for the specifiec account |
DeliverTo | Employees (EMP), for the specified employee |
PartNo | Item Master (ITM), for the specified item |
ProjCode | Projects (PRJ), for the specified project |
SuppCode | Supplier Entry (SUP), for the specified supplier |
RecUoM | Units of Measure (UOM), for the specified unit |
RecDes |
Displays the line comment in the notes popup form.
Tip: If there are any existing notes the icon will appear as a yellow notepad.
DocNo | Zooms based on Document Type: Type PO -> Purchase Orders (POS), for the specified purchase order number |
Index | Visible | Field Name | Caption | Usage / Description |
0 | Yes | RecLineID | ID | Receipt Line Identification Number (Systemic) |
1 | Yes | ReceiptID | RecID | Receipt Identification Number (Systemic) |
2 | No | CompCode | CompCode | Company Code |
3 | Yes | SuppCode | Supplier | Supplier Code (AANNN) |
4 | No | SuppName | Supplier Name | Supplier Name |
5 | Yes | Whse | Whse | Warehouse Code |
6 | Yes | RecLineStatus | S | Receipt Line Status: (O) Open, (P) Partial and (C) Closed |
7 | Yes | RecDate | Date | Receipt Date |
8 | Yes | DocType | Type | Controlling Document Type: (NP) Non-Purchase Order and (PO) Purchase Order |
9 | Yes | DocNo | Doc | Document Number |
10 | Yes | DocLine | Ln | Document Line Identification Number (Systemic) |
11 | Yes | PartNo | Item No | Item Number |
12 | Yes | RecDes | Description | Receipt Description |
13 | Yes | RecQty | Qty Rec | Receipt Quantity |
14 | Yes | RecUoM | UoM | Receiving Unit of Measurement (UoM) |
15 | No | RelQty | Qty Rel | Released Quantity |
16 | Yes | PutAwayLoc | Inv Loc | Primary Put Away Location [Edit "Put Away Location" via Stock Control] |
17 | Yes | RequireSN | SN | Requires Serial Number Checkbox (Green = True) |
18 | No | SNCount | SN Count | Count of Serial Numbers entered/scanned |
19 | Yes | IsAsset | Asset | Asset Checkbox (Green Check = True) |
20 | Yes | IsInv | Inv | Inventory Checkbox (Green Check = True) |
21 | No | DeliverTo | DeliverTo | Deliver To (FOURA User ID) |
22 | Yes | DeliverToName | Deliver To | Deliver To Name |
23 | Yes | QtyInvc | Qty Invc | Invoice Quantity |
24 | Yes | OpenQty | Qty Open | Received but not invoiced quantity |
25 | Yes | AddDate | Add Date | Add Date |
26 | No | AddWho | Add Who | Record Added by Who (FOURA User ID) |
27 | Yes | Acct | Acct | Account Number |
28 | Yes | AcctDes | Acct Des | Account Description [Edit via Chart of Accounts] |
29 | Yes | ProjCode | Proj | Project Code |
30 | No | ProjName | Proj Name | Project Name |
31 | Yes | CC | CC | Cost Center |
32 | No | CCDesc | CC Desc | Cost Center Description |
33 | No | CountryOrigin | Country Origin | Country of Origin |
34 | No | IsDropShip | Drop | Drop Ship Checkbox (Green Check = True) |
35 | No | UnitCost | Unit Cost | Unit Cost |
36 | No | RecLineCost | Line Cost | Receipt Line Cost |
37 | No | FrtCost | Frt Cost | Freight Cost (used for Landed Cost) |
38 | No | RelUnitCost | Rel Unit Cost | Released Unit Cost |
39 | No | RelLineCost | Rel Line Cost | Released Line Cost |
40 | No | RelFrtCost | Rel Frt Cost | Released Freight Cost |
41 | No | OpenCost | Open Cost | Received but not invoiced cost |
42 | No | RecLineNotes | Notes | Receipt Line Notes |
The following default roles can use this form:
Role | Allowed Actions |
rl_User | View |