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Menu Code: BDP Accounting/Finance - Assets |
A searchable list accumulated depreciation by Asset and Posting Period.
Index | Visible | Field Name | Caption | Usage / Description |
0 | No | DepLnID | ID | Depreciation Line Identification Number (Systemic) |
1 | Yes | DepID | DepID | Depreciation Identification Number (Systemic) |
2 | Yes | DepPeriod | Period | Financial Posting Period (YYYYMM) [Control via Accounting/Finance/General Ledger/Posting Periods] |
3 | Yes | DepStat | S | Depreciation Status |
4 | Yes | AssetID | Asset | Asset Identification Number (Systemic) |
5 | Yes | PartNo | Item No | Item Number |
6 | Yes | Qty | Qty | Quantity |
7 | Yes | AssetDesc | Description | Asset Description |
8 | Yes | OrigValue | Orig Value | Original Item Amount |
9 | Yes | AccDep | Acc Dep | Accumulated Depreciation Amount |
10 | Yes | NBV | NBV | Net Book Value |
11 | Yes | DepLife | Life | Depreciation Life Cycle (Months) |
12 | Yes | DepAmt | Dep Amt | Depreciation Amount |
13 | Yes | NewAccDep | New Acc Dep | New Accumulated Appreciation Amount |
14 | Yes | NewNBV | New NBV | New Net Book Value |
15 | Yes | AssetAcct | Acct | Asset Account Number |
16 | Yes | AssetCC | CC | Asset Cost Center |
17 | Yes | ExpAcct | ExpAcct | Expense Account |
18 | Yes | ExpCC | ExpCC | Expense Cost Center |
The following default roles can use this form:
Role | Allowed Actions |
rl_Accounting | View |
rl_FinRead | View |