FOURA™ Reference Documentation
In This Topic
    Account Default Types
    In This Topic
    Menu Code: ADT
    System - Setup

    Accounts Default Types are named account placeholders for specific FOURA processes.  By using a named placeholder, all the logic and setup can be done ahead of time for each workflow, even before the Chart of Accounts is known or finalized.  After the Chart of Accounts is setup then you can set a specific account for each default type using the Accounts tab on the Companies form.

    Account default types are used on the following forms:

    Form Menu Code Usage
    Order Types OTY Setup the Freight, Sales and Issue account types to use for each type of order.
    Adjust Types ADT Setup the account type to use as the offset account for each adjustment type.
    Build Services BSV Specify the account type to use for non-material costs in Bills of Materials.
    Item Classes CLS Setup the account type to use when purchasing items, receiving item to inventory and issuing items to cost of sales.
    Employee Types ETY Setup the account type to use when employees charge time to projects.
    Locations LOC Setup the inventory account to use when items are transferred into a location.  When specified, this setting will override the Item Class setting.
    Companies CMP Specify actual account numbers to use for each named account default from the Accounts tab.
    Suppliers SUP Specify the account type to use for AP when posting invoices.
    Tax Codes TAX Setup the account types to use when posting taxes for AP Invoices and Sales Invoices.


    Index Visible Field Name Caption Usage / Description
    0 Yes AcctDefType Type  
    1 Yes AcctDefTypeDes Description  


    The following default roles can use this form:

    Role Allowed Actions
    rl_Accounting View
    rl_FinRead View
    rl_Setup View and Edit
    rl_User View
    See Also

    Form Types

    Common Features

    Order Management
