FOURA™ Reference Documentation
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    Menu Code: KPI
    Support - Dashboards

    The KPI form defines the key performance indicators that can be used on Dashboards.  KPIs are intended to measure progress towards a defined business goal or provide insight into daily activities.  They are drawn as a visual tile using the style defined by the KPI Type.

    Key Information

    Key information appears in the top half of the form.  On the left is the visual tile and on the right are the following fields:

    Name Description
    KPI Name

    The name of the KPI.  This is displayed at the top of the visual tile.  Maximum characters = 50

    Tip:  If you are using a Business Unit or Warehouse filter then put the filter code at the end of the KPI Name so it is clear to end users what this KPI is showing.

    Dashboards Shows the total number of dashboards with this KPI, including personal dashboards.
    Business Goal Free text.  Intended to document the alignment of this KPI with a business improvement initiative.  Maximum characters = 50
    Company Required.  The company where this KPI is defined.  KPIs will only include data from this company.
    Business Unit Optionally select a business unit.  When set, the KPI will only include data from this business unit.  Requires that the selected data table includes a field BUnit.
    Warehouse Optionally select a warehouse.  When set, the KPI will only include data from this warehouse.  Requires that the selected data table includes a field Whse.
    KPI Group Indicates the functional group.  Used to filter KPIs when adding them to a dashboard.
    KPI Type

    Determines how the visual tile is drawn.

    Value - A single data point (1x1), optionally including a trend graph (2x1).  When a trend graph is selected, then the percent difference from the prior period is displayed in the upper right corner.  If a target is defined then the value will appear in red, yellow or green based on target values entered on the Targets tab and a target line will appear over the trend graph.

    Graph - Represents 2D data in a bar graph (2x1), such as Sales By BU, Sales By Family, etc.

    List - A Top N list of values (2x2), showing the name and total.

    Gauge - Shows progress towards a target using a guage (2x2).

    Time Interval

    Determines how to rollup data over time.  Must be one of the following:

    n/a - All time / All data available.  Typically only used for data tables that are not time-based.

    Day - Per day

    Week [Wk] - Per week, where a week is from Monday to Sunday

    Month [Mo] - Per month

    Qtr [Q] - Per quarter

    Year [Yr] - Per calendar year

    FYear [FY] - Per fiscal year (as defined by global variable FYMonthStart)

    Trend Graph Type

    Determines the type of trend graph to display for Value KPI Types.  When a graph type is selected then the KPI will be 2x1 in size.  Must be one of the following:

    Area - Shows the historical values as a line with the area below filled in.

    Bar - Shows each historical values as a bar.  The current value (rightmost) includes two stacked sections for the actual value and the projected period-end value [Teal].

    Line - Shows the historical values as a line.

    Step - Shows the histoical values as a step.

    None - Draws the KPI with no trend graph in a 1x1 tile.

    Active Determines whether this KPI will appear on any dashboards [Green Check = Allowed]
    Last Refresh The date and time when this KPI was last re-calculated

    KPI Tab

    This tab shows the current values of this KPI.

    Note: KPI Types Graph and List will not show any calculated values on this tab.
    Name Description
    KPI Value Current value, including any projection for the time interval
    Actual Value

    Actual value with no projection, followed by the percent of the way through the current time interval.  Used to calculate the projected KPI Value: KPI Value = Actual Value / Acutal Percent.

    For example, with a Day interval FOURA estimates completion based on working hours from 6AM to 6PM; so if it is noon then we are 50% through the day and the projected KPI value will be double the actual value.
    ID Unique identifier for this KPI
    Previous Value KPI value from the previous time interval, followed by the percent difference between the the current and previous values.  This percent is displayed in the upper right corner of a Value tile.
    Target Value The target value for the current time interval.  Looked up from Targets Tab on recalc.  Used to draw the trend line.
    Status Green, Yellow, Red current value indicator.  The status is based on the defined Green and Yellow percents and values (see Data Definition tab).  The status determines the color of the value in the tile.  If no Green/Yellow percents or values are defined then the status will be n/a and the value will be drawn in gray.
    Trend Set A comma-delimited list of the previous N (trend length - see Data Definition Tab) values, organized from oldest to most recent.  This is the data used to draw the trend graph.
    Description Free text description of the KPI.  Maximum Characters = 200

    Data Definition Tab

    The Data Definition describes where to get the KPI data.  Setting up data definitions will normally be done either by Fourasoft or a local system adminstrator with rl_Setup permissions.  Several of these settings require a basic understanding of the SQL language.

    Name Description
    Data Table

    The data source for the KPI values.  If no data table is specified then this KPI will not be able to auto-refresh and the values on the KPI tab must be manually updated.  See KPI Data Tables for the list of standard data sources.  Clicking the information button to the right of the Data Table will open the associated help topic.

    Note: Each table may include underlying base filters - review the Data Table documentation for more information.

    Value Expression An SQL expression that defines how to calculate the KPI value.  Normally this will be an aggregate, either Count(*) or Sum(NumericField).
    Filter Expression An SQL logic expression that limits the data included in the KPI value.  Filter expresssions can include fields in the Data Table, built-in functions (getdate(), datediff(), etc.), and compound logic (and/or).  This must resolve to a valid SQL WHERE clause, including proper delimiters for constants.
    List Column (Only used for List KPIs) A field or expression (Concat, etc.) that determines the text displayed for each list item.
    Date Field

    The date field used for time interval calculations.

    Tip: Without defining a Date Field the selected time interval will have no basis and will be ignored.

    Trend Length The number of time intervals to include in the Trend Graph.  Must be between 1 and 13.
    Category Group Field (Only used for Graph KPIs) The field used to group totals.  Each category will be displayed as a bar in the graph KPI.
    Category Name Field (Optional.  Only used for Graph KPIs) The field that contains the name of a category group.  This will be shown in the tooltip/popup for a graph KPI.
    Category Sort Field

    (Optional.  Only used for Graph KPIs) The field that determines the order of the groups in the Graph KPI.

    Tip: To order the groups by largest to smallest value, enter the Value Expression followed by " DESC" (descending).  For example:  count(*) DESC

    More Is Better / Descending

    Indicates whether larger or smaller values are preferable ("better").  More Is Better is scored like Basketball, while "Less Is Better" is scored like Golf.

    Tip: When More Is Better is checked, then the Green Percent/Value should be greater than the Yellow Percent/Value.

    Green Percent

    More Is Better:  The KPI Value will be considered green/good if it is greater than this percentage of the target.

    Less Is Better:  The KPI Value will be considered green/good if it is less than this percentage of the target.

    Yellow Percent

    More Is Better:  The KPI Value will be considered yellow/neutral if it is between this percentage and the Green Percent of the target.  When the value is less than this percent then it will be considered red/bad.

    Less Is Better:  The KPI Value will be considered yellow/neutral if it is between the Green Percent and this percentage.  When the value is more than this percent then it will be considered red/bad.

    Green Value

    More Is Better:  The KPI Value will be considered green/good if it is greater than this value.

    Less Is Better:  The KPI Value will be considered green/good if it is less than this value.

    Yellow Value

    More Is Better:  The KPI Value will be considered yellow/neutral if it is between this value and the Green Value.  When the value is less than this value it will be red/bad.

    Less Is Better:  The KPI Value will be considered yellow/neutral if it is between the Green Value and this value.  When the value is greater than this value it will be red/bad.

    Targets Tab

    The Targets Tab allows you to set target values over time for this KPI.  The following columns are available.

    Tip: The date ranges for targets should not overlap.  If there are multiple overlapping target ranges then only the first one will be selected.  If you only have one target value that you want to use for all time then you can leave both the From Date and To Date blank for this target.
    Index Visible Field Name Caption Usage / Description
    0 Yes KPITargetID ID The KPI Target ID (unique identifier)
    2 Yes TargetValue Target The target value
    3 Yes FromDate From Date The starting date for this target.  If blank then this target will be used for any KPI date prior to the To Date.
    4 Yes ToDate To Date The ending date for this target.  If blank then this target will be used for any KPI date after the From Date.
    5 Yes TargetNotes Notes Free text notes (200 chars max)


    Actions are the controls/options at the top of the form.  The following actions are available: 

    Action Description
    Group Filters for KPIs assigned to the specified group.  This filter will be always be applied in addition to the Quick Filter.
    Quick Filter Select a pre-defined filter or enter a KPI ID or Name to search for.
    Add Copy Create a new KPI as a copy of the currently displayed KPI.
    Roles Displays the KPI Roles dialog where you can assign roles that can view this KPI.  The number of currently assigned roles is displayed to the right of the Roles button.


    The following default roles can use this form:

    Role Allowed Actions
    rl_Setup View and Edit
    See Also