FOURA™ Reference Documentation
In This Topic
    In This Topic
    Menu Code: INC
    Receiving->Support,  Purchasing->Support

    International Commercial Terms are a series of pre-defined commercial terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).  Incoterms tell each party what to do with respect to transport of the goods from buyer to seller, including export and import clearance.  They also explain the division of costs and risks between the parties.  In North America, Free on Board (FOB) is used to describe at what point liability shifts from the seller to the buyer.  When FOB is used in this way you should specify Origin or Destination to indicate whether charges are collect or prepaid.

    Tip:  You can edit the notes that are displayed in the green box at the bottom of the form by using the Column Chooser and checking the box for the Notes column.  Then you can change the notes in the main grid.

    For more information please refer to: ICC Incoterms Rules


    The following default roles can use this form: 

    Role Allowed Actions
    rl_User View
    rl_APManager View and Edit
    rl_ARManager View and Edit
    See Also

    Form Types