FOURA™ Reference Documentation
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    In This Topic

    An exception, or "exceptional event", occurs when there is an error or unexpected event in FOURA.  When an exception occurs FOURA displays a popup with a detailed message that describes what went wrong.  In most cases FOURA will continue running after you close this popup.

    Below is an example of an exception.  This was display when attempting to query the Period on the Browse Ledger form for "ABC".

    This exception was raised because the Period field only accepts numbers, so filtering for "ABC" does not make sense.

    Tip:  There is a countdown timer in the lower left corner of the exception popup.  When this counter reaches zero the popup will automatically close.  You can click on the timer to stop it.  This will leave the form open until you click OK.

    You can click the Copy button to copy the exception message to the Windows clipboard.  Then, if needed, you can paste this information into a new Support Request.

    Unhandled Exceptions

    An unhandled exception occurs when FOURA did not anticipate and handle the possibility of an exception.  These are extremely rare, so if you see one please report it to Fourasoft!  Below is an example of an unhandled exception:

    If you click Continue, FOURA will attempt to keep running.  If you click Quit then FOURA will close.

    When reporting an unhandled exception, please copy the details of the message as follows:

    1. Click the Details button to show the exception details
    2. Select all of the text in the details box (the box that makes up the lower half of the form)
    3. Click Ctrl-C to copy the selected text to the Windows clipboard
    4. Paste the text into your Support Request.
    See Also