FOURA™ Reference Documentation
In This Topic
    Customer Statements
    In This Topic
    Menu Code: STA
    Accounting/Finance - Accounts Receivable, Accounting/Finance - Cash

    Customer Statements are a detailed report showing all unpaid invoices and unallocated cash per customer (open balance).  Statements are typically used to remind a customer of sales on credit that have not yet been fully paid.

    The form will initially show a list of all customer with unallocated invoices or unallocated cash as of today.  You can change the cutoff date to recalculate the list to only include allocations done prior to the cutoff.

    Check the Sel (Select) column for the customers that you want to generate statement for.

    Tip: The Def_AgeCode Global Variable (GLB) controls the Age Bucket (ABU) columns.  These columns will be displayed with a background color of light blue for current (not late) amounts and yellow through red as the age increases.


    Action Description
    Print Statements Opens the Customer Statement Print dialog to print the selected customers.
    Email Statements

    Opens the Customer Statements Email dialog to email the selected cutomers where the EStmt (Email Statment) box is checked. 

    Tip:  The Email Statement checkbox must be changed from the Customers form.  When configuring a customer to use emailed statements, you must also define at least one Customer Contact of type ESTMT (Email Statement) with a valid email address.
    All Selects all customers
    None Selects no customers
    EStmt Selects only customers configured to email statments (EStmt is checked)

    Flips the selection, changing selected to not selected and visa-versa.

    Tip:  You can use Invert in conjunction with the EStmt button.  First click the EStmt button to select email customers (EStmt) and send those statements using the Email Statements button.  Then click Invert to select the NON-email customers and print those statements using the Print Statements button.
    Close Closes the form

    Zoom Links

    Column Zoom Link
    CustCode Customers (CUS), for the specified customer


    Index Visible Field Name Caption Usage / Description
    0 Yes Sel Sel Selected Checkbox (Green Check = True)
    1 No CustID ID Customer Identification Number (Systemic)
    2 Yes CustCode Customer Customer Code (AAANNN)
    3 Yes CustName Customer Name Customer Name
    4 Yes CustPhone Phone Customer Phone Number
    5 Yes EmailStatement EStmt Email Statement Check Box (Green Check = True)
    6 No ESTMTRecips Recips List of ESTMT Email Contacts
    7 No HasContact EINV Customer Wants To Receive Electronic Invoices Check Box (Green Check = True)
    8 Yes BalDue Balance Balance Due
    9 Yes InvcCount Invcs Invoice Count on Customer Statement
    10 Yes InvcAmtDue Invoices Invoice Amount Due
    11 Yes UnallocCash Unalloc Cash Unallocated Cash Amount
    12 Yes CreditMemoAmt Cr Memos Credit Memo Amount
    13 Yes AnyPastDue Late Past Due \ Late Indicator (Green Check = True)
    14 No Age1 Age1 Aging Bucket 1 is Assumed to be Current (Within Payment Terms)
    15 No Age2 Age2 Aging Bucket2 is Customizable Range [Edit via Accounting/Finance Support Menu and Select as Default using Possible Values List = AgeBucket]
    16 No Age3 Age3 Aging Bucket3 is Customizable Range [Edit via Accounting/Finance Support Menu and Select as Default using Possible Values List = AgeBucket]
    17 No Age4 Age4 Aging Bucket4 is Customizable Range [Edit via Accounting/Finance Support Menu and Select as Default using Possible Values List = AgeBucket]
    18 No Age5 Age5 Aging Bucket5 is Customizable Range [Edit via Accounting/Finance Support Menu and Select as Default using Possible Values List = AgeBucket]
    19 No Age6 Age6 Aging Bucket6 is Customizable Range [Edit via Accounting/Finance Support Menu and Select as Default using Possible Values List = AgeBucket]
    20 Yes EStmtSent Last EStmt Date of Last Electronic Statement


    The following default roles can use this form:

    Role Allowed Actions
    rl_ARManager View and Edit
    rl_Cash View and Edit
    rl_ARRead View
    rl_CashRead View
    See Also

    Form Types

    Accounts Receivable