FOURA™ Reference Documentation
In This Topic
    Cost Center Segments
    In This Topic
    Menu Code: CCS
    System - Setup

    Cost Center Segments allow you to define up to 3 reporting segments for the cost center. 

    By default FOURA will only enable one segment named "Cost Center", which allows the cost center to be freely entered on the Cost Centers form.  When more than one segment is enabled then the Cost Center form will require that a value be selected for each enabled segment and the cost center will be automatically coded and named.  Enter distinct segment names for clarity in Financial Reporting.

    To define the possible values for each segment select the Segment in the Filter For entry field (only when more than one segment is enabled).

    Caution:  Changing your cost center segment setup will NOT change any existing cost center or transactions.  Structural cost center changes must be carefully planned and coordinated.


    Index Visible Field Name Caption Usage / Description
    0 No CCSegID ID Cost Center Segment Identifier (Systemic)
    1 Yes SegNo Seg Cost Center segment
    2 Yes SegCode Code Cost Center segment
    3 Yes SegDesc Description Cost Center Segment Description
    4 Yes IsActive Active Active Checkbox (Green Check = True)


    The following default roles can use this form:

    Role Allowed Actions
    rl_Setup View and Edit
    rl_User View
    See Also