FOURA™ Reference Documentation
In This Topic
    Alert Types
    In This Topic
    Menu Code: ATY
    System - Setup

    Alert Types describe type of Alert that that has been triggered.  Alert types that are flagged as "System" are used by built-in workflows in FOURA.  Additional Alert Types can be defined and used with manually created Alerts.  You can specify an Employee Group to notify for each alert type.

    Pre-Defined Alert Types

    Type Name Description System
    CREDIT Credit Hold Customer has exceeded their credit limit.  Created from Customer Entry form. Yes
    CSTGDOWN Customer Stage Down Customer stage/relationship has declined.  Optionally generated during a customer stage change. Yes
    CSTGUP Customer Stage Up Customer stage/relationship has improved.  Optionally generated during a customer stage change. Yes
    CUST Customer Alert There is a significant customer related issue.  Created from Customer Entry form. Yes
    ITEM Item Alert There is a significant item related issue.  Created from Item Master form. Yes
    SUPP Supplier Alert There is a significant supplier related issue.  Created from Supplier Entry form. Yes
    SAFETY Safety Alert Used to document a safety related situation.  Manually created from Alert form No


    Index Visible Field Name Caption Usage / Description
    0 Yes Code Type Alert Type
    1 Yes Name Name Alert Name
    2 Yes IsSystem Sys FOURA Default, Required by System (Green Check = True)
    3 Yes NotifyEmpGroup Notify Group Employee group to notify


    The following default roles can use this form:

    Role Allowed Actions
    rl_Setup View and Edit
    rl_User View
    See Also

    Form Types